To further the implementation and exploitation of Automatic Equipment Identification (AEI) technology to the benefit of our railroad and rail customers by providing complete AEI solutions and exceeding automated data reporting requirements while improving efficiencies.
Why Choose Us
Learn More About ATBD Inc.
Our Mission
Our Goal
Provide complete interoperable turnkey AEI systems to our customers independent of their selection of Host Operating Systems or stage of development. ATBD will help our customers exploit the estimated $500M investment made by the Class I Railroads to develop, implement, and support this technology.
Our Way
Application Technology By Design (ATBD Inc.) employees have been involved in every aspect of AEI development since 1990. Their range of experience extends from the successful tagging of equipment to data standardization and AAR representation.
Choose ATBD Inc.
Typical Solution Provided
Our customers are typically in one of four stages of development: 1) Simply want to become more familiar with AEI technology 2) In the planning stages, wish not to make mistakes, and want assistance in developing an AEI strategy 3) Own and/or have inherited equipment and require some assistance in integrating the systems into their own host or Host Operating Software provider 4) Have an infrastructure, front end processor, feeding data to their Host Operating Software provider, however, require some assistance in selecting proper site placement to support the application.
Complete Turnkey Systems
Our unique position within the industry allows us to be familiar with the vast majority of Host System Software provider’s offerings. This knowledge assists us in the hardware, software, firmware, communications, location, and functionality of an AEI system to support their applications.
We further take the time to understand your requirements, budget, and goals then provide a complete solution from installation to integration. When we are finished, you have a system you can use, monitor, expand, and support with all the tools and training to do so.